Sunday, August 13, 2006


A little bit of compensation for SnoWhite

Life for SnoWhite is officially not fair, last night's double bill of Supernatural did not appear as was expected and in it's place was the film Apollo 13! I'm sorry.....Apollo13 or Supernatural? no competiton, Supernatural wins hands down. I am still considering counselling for SnoWhite, to get her through the grieving process. I however was compensated with seeing about half of the film The Peacemaker which contained my all time love George is all in the eyes (oh and he looks lovely in his dress uniform at the end). Hubba Hubba!
Weighing scales are still working perfectly or just plain lying to me as they continue to tell me that I am steadily losing weight. At this rate I will HAVE TO join a weight watchers group just for the thrill of someone saying,'Wow you're doing so well'. It is nice to feel some benefit straight away with the flattening of my stomach, all I need now are for my 'shot putting' arms to go(and then my upper body fat and my leg fat......well everything really!)My 'mother's apron' is disappearing and only the sides really still exist. A size 12 is me, A size 12 I will be.
I always find the 1st week easy but by the time the 2nd week comes it all catches up with me and all I want is to binge on carbohydrates. I am not hungry now but I could devour a packet of crumpets or 4 pieces of butter dripping thick toast or a six pack of crisps or a full British breakfast. I love food.
I went to get a can of grapefruit salad out of the fridge and guess what idiot here has done....... I went and bought the in syrup kind, oh well Running man will eat them( with all his running calories do not touch the sides and when he has fresh grapefruit he loads it with sugar, all I can say is yuk.I hate the feel of sugar on my teeth, I hate the feel of sand on my teeth more though and that happens a lot with Beauty as she loves to sling sand around. When I walk around the house in bare feet I can always feel sand. However I do have a nice fresh melon in the fridge.......yummy.

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An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.