Monday, June 19, 2006


I once watched a film about the life and death of Hitler and it was mostly about how poor his health was. It talked about his IBS and how his doctor kept him on a high vegtable diet(big mistake), whenever I think of this I think of this picture of him-wind filled stomach.
I have IBS so trying to lose weight has to be very slow as too many vegtables can be way too uncomfortable. Being a vegatarian anyway doesn't help because when you have IBS regulating your diet until you have the perfect balance is a normal part of your daily life. Then add to that trying to lose weight!
I increased my vegtable intake slightly yesterday with no real problem but I had that unstable feeling I had when I ate mussels in Bruge. Today I had some crumpets for lunch, they are low in fat and calories and they settled my stomach.
I blame the media for my pre-occupation with food.
Brilliant article in one of the gossip magazines this week, it was about Charlotte Church and Jade Goody and it showed pictures of their vuluptuous figures and it said that curves were back. If the magazine is being genuine, great but if they were taking the pi-- them I'm not impressed.
I have a 'mother's apron' of tummy skin(after giving birth 7 times what can you expect!) which
I will never get rid of. I could pay for a tummy tuck tomorrow but why should I? I have had MRSA once and MRSA once in a life time is enough. Also look what happened to Olivia Goldsmith the author of First Wives Club, little bit of liposuction and she died,
well no thank you.
How about a, 'I love my 'mother's apron' day'?
Bet you wished you had wierd thoughts like me!
for now
Mother of Many x

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An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.