Friday, June 01, 2007


I'm still here, sorry I didn't write earlier but Beauty's computer will not link to the internet so she and Fiona have spent the day fighting for the use of the other computer which has left no room for me.
Today Beauty managed to spear a whole basket of potatoes with a fork so we had to have potatoes for tea(lower class evening meal but I'm OK with that)with pie and vegetables instead of the meatballs and spaghetti that I had planned. Everybody loved the mashed potatoes that I made so all's well that ends well.
I am looking forward to the return to school next week as Beauty seems to have spent the entire week getting her clothes dirty, mostly with food. I could swaddle her in a bath towel and she would still manage to get her clothes dirty.She must have gone through 5 changes of clothes yesterday and at least 4 changes today.
Finally I think that at 46 I have grown up, Big Brother is totally boring and I am finding nothing of interest in it. Mostly during the summer I watch the Friday evictions, maybe one other night and catch up on alerts on my emails but I am thinking that this year the emails will be enough.
Last night I watched Filthy Rich and Homeless

In Britain today, the rich are getting ever richer. They live a life of privilege, comfort and security that only a tiny few of us will ever achieve, and that many of us can barely even dream about. So what do you give somebody who has everything?Nothing.In Filthy Rich and Homeless, five of Britain's wealthiest people take part in one of TV's most hard-hitting and controversial experiments ever - living the life of the homeless on the streets of London for ten days solid.Guided by homeless experts Rebecca and Craig, the five wealthy volunteers will be faced with the very harsh realities of life for those who have nothing.

It really is an eye opener to the situation of the homeless in the UK.
Definitely worth watching.


Unknown said...

Saw something like this over here. It was a "special" on public broadcasting.

Very, very interesting.

Steve said...

I agree. BB is horrifically bland and unemotive at the moment. It's all a bit samey. It's overkill. It proves the argument that Christmas every Day would be a disaster...


I's a pity about BB because I only tend to sit down and relax after 9pm so TV is my relaxation. Oh well, plenty of time to watch more interesting programs. I also have a vast collection of videos and DVDs(some I haven't even watched)to entertain me. Fiona is watching Priscilla Queen of the Desert so that is next on my list to watch, I hear much laughter from her bedroom so it must be good if Fiona finds it funny!
I also intend to watch Filthy rich and homeless again,the next show is about life in a hostel. As a student nurse I worked in a hostel and it was a frightening place,I think it will make interesting viewing.




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.