Friday, July 13, 2007


I have read reports where people have been imprisoned for things that I did not believe needed a custodial sentence yet cruelty like this should surely receive a custodial sentence if only for 2 weeks.
So he has been banned from owning and breeding dogs and given a suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay costs but where is the punishment?

Puppy cruelty farmer is sentenced
Peter Hughes
Peter Hughes kept dogs chained up in waterlogged conditions
A farmer who illegally bred dogs in "cramped, cold and dirty" conditions has been given a suspended prison sentence and banned from keeping dogs.

Peter Hughes, 71, was found to have 64 dogs at his sheep farm at Halkyn, Flintshire, but a licence for only 12.

Hughes admitted causing unnecessary suffering, breeding without a licence, and breaching his pet shop licence.

His three-month jail term was suspended for two years, and he was banned from owning a dog for 10 years.

He was also banned from applying for a licence to breed puppies for 10 years, and was ordered to pay £6,000 costs.

The court officials found dogs chained up in waterlogged conditions, many with infections and ulcerated feet.

Prosecuting barrister Chris Moss said council officials and RSPCA inspectors found 64 dogs in "generally filthy and unhygienic conditions" and many with health problems.


LAA and Family said...

You have to wonder about people like this.. how can anyone stand to let animals live in such squalor? Even if he has no feeling at all for animals, from a business point of view how could he possibly think he would benefit in the long run from allowing such conditions?

Steve said...

I really believe that if someone is capable of hurting an animal they're capable of hurting a child. That might be a bit simplistic but I really do believe it!

A Bishops Wife said...


I was "Tagged" for a MEME and had to come uo with 8 people to "Tag" tag you are it.

Did you make your own template, I love it.




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.