Monday, July 02, 2007


If Beauty ever had a sleep routine it is no more........she was awake until 3:30am this morning and Saturday night and Friday night were not much better. I washed and dressed her this morning but then she disappeared, after a frantic search I found her back asleep in bed! With all that time on my hands I managed to keep myself awake by washing dishes, clothes, scrubbing the kitchen table and sorting out the rubbish and recycling. Plus I also had a phone call from Ariel who was at her fathers house, please could I bring down her Greece T Shirt as she was being picked up for her holiday by her friend at 4am and she had left it at my house. So at 1:30am we were out driving in the car, most children would fall asleep in the car but not Beauty, in fact she became very excited to be out driving at night.
Talking of Ariel going on holiday, what is it with her and her friends and major terrorist incidents?.
On 7/7, the London bombings, she and her friends were on their way to London for a day shopping. They were stopped at Reading and I had to go and pick them up in the car. Now her and her fiends are going on holiday to Greece today, out of Cardiff(Rhoose) airport after a weekend of major incidents on the streets of London and at Glasgow airport.I grew up in Rhoose and I know the airport quite well and if any one had decided to attack the front of the building it wouldn't have been difficult to access as you can drive right up to the front doors. Thankfully due to the heightened alert the security at Rhoose are now preventing access to the main frontage. From what I have read it seem that they are directing people into the airport through the back entrance off the by-pass and straight to the car parks.I hope she enjoys her holiday but I shall be relieved next Monday when she gets home and is safe and sound in her own bed.
I am going to attempt a short recovery nap before I take the piggies to the vet at mid-day.
I'll be back


What a beautiful collage by the very talented artist Michelle Caplan.

1 comment:

Steve said...

3.30am? Ouch! I've been inexplicably waking at 5.15 am for the last week but that's a lie-in in comparison!




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.