Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Last night I watched Outrageous Wasters and I have decided that I am totally sad as I would LOVE to stay in the yurt in the countryside and enjoy an eco-lifestyle. One of the young girls had an issue with the spiders, I can see how that would be a problem for some people but with the mosquito nets they were supplied with I think they could manage to sleep bug free.
After watching the show I though about the things that we leave on stand-by and one switch in the living room, one switch in the kitchen and the computers and that's it last thing at night. Fiona is afraid of the dark so we do have a bit of an issue with lights so that is something to work on. Some mornings I wake up to find the house lit up like a Christmas tree!So reducing electricity used is my current goal. I am doing well on laundry because Ariel and Fiona are in Florida my washing is down to one load a day, I am making sure that everything that I wear goes into a coloured wash so there is no need for a separate white wash.
Life is so quite with just Beauty, Bunny Boy and the Wheekies!

It's official......the locals must think I am mad!
Since yesterday Beauty has become obsessed with the Wheekies Timothy Hay and has taken to spreading it liberally around the garden. My front garden has a black safety surface and it is really difficult to sweep hay off it, so I have been hoovering the front garden!Well at least I don't take my children to school in my pj's, be my size and wear white leggings or constantly screech and swear at my children in the street(just at home!).

Did you see this Ariel? I wondered if you have met him.

1 comment:

Eduardo Waghorn said...

Hello there!
Nice and interesting blog, I want to send you warm greetings from Chile.
Visit me if you want, you can translate my blogs to your own language if you prefer...
A hug!




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.