Friday, December 21, 2007


I think it must be to do with my advancing age but I think that my memory is playing tricks on me.The temperature at the moment appears to be hovering around the freezing mark and goes down to as much as 6 below at night and has definitely not been this cold at this time of year for quite a few years or is it just me getting confused?

Wales in Winter
Snow covering the Gwendraeth Valley, South Wales

This picture of Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff was taken by Mike Roberts while walking through Hailey Park.

This picture of Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff was taken by Mike Roberts while walking through Hailey Park.

Fiona has a new room.....a study to be exact,Fiona's room is the smallest in the house so she has now taken the other tiny bedroom as a study. I awoke last night at about 4am to what sounded like an explosion-the door to Fiona's study would not open and she was kicking the poop out of it to try and open it! The door is a bi-folding door because SnoWhite used to sleep in the room and the room was so small that an ordinary door was just not suitable and so we put in the folding door to allow more space in the room.The door it seems would not travel properly on the rails on which it is mounted.
Beauty slept through it all!


Steve said...

This is definitely the coldest winter we've had for many years... I'm hoping that a good winter will encourage a good summer to follow!

Casdok said...

Certainly is cold! Lovely photos! Hope you got the door sorted!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing what they sleep through once they're in a deep sleep!




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.