Thursday, September 27, 2007


Today I accessed this through the BBC website and whilst I had never really thought about the way the German soldiers must have lived during the time they were working at Auschwitz, it is obvious to think they had off duty time and at times they must have experienced 'relative'normality(I can't think what other word would describe it....sorry) but I found these photographs very surreal.I found the funeral of the SS soldiers really strange as it contained such respect and reverence but yet people were being murdered and dying in dreadful conditions a matter of feet away.

Auschwitz through the lens of the SS: Photos of Nazi leadership at the camp

The cover of the photograph album.
The cover of the photograph album. —United States Holocaust Memorial Museum #34579

Such is the terrible inhumanity of man.

Beauty has a new favourite computer show, Sprouts Diner!
I now know all the words off by heart AND I have also been COMPELLED to 'pretend' answer the phone everytime the phone rings on the show and answer witha smile and ask what the customer wants.Luckily Beauty is as yet not aware of sarcasm, my greeting started to change after the 152nd time answering the phone and if I were doing this as a job I would long since have been sacked.How can you remain professional when your name is meant to be Bean and your father's name is Brussel Sprout and he runs a diner and looks and sounds like Einstein!
Here's Sprout's Diner


Steve said...

I guess the most terrifying thing about the Nazi atrocities is that they were carried out by ordinary men and women... and therein lies the scary warning to us all...


Whilst doing nurses training we discussed a number of psychological experiments,Milgrams electric shock experiment was one and The Stanford prison experiment another.
Learning about these experiments really made me re-evaluate my own personal beliefs and ethical stance on things.
Would I stand up for my beliefs and be killed(and the atrocities continue anyway) or would I choose to live and in a situation like WWII do what I could with whatever resources were at my disposal? I know I would have been too much of a coward to be a full blown resistance fighter but many people resisted in their ordinary lives and did what they could.

Anonymous said...

Sprouts Diner - I 'so' feel your pain in answering the phone and I am 'so' glad my son hasn't discovered it!!! Our latest thing is having to say 'I don't know, what could it be?' as he tells his own joke over and over again (and the poor thing just doesn't get humour)!


I also know all the words to most of the songs in most of the Disney films, as well as all the dialogue in some of the film!




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.