Monday, September 10, 2007


Whilst giving Runnngman a lift home from his Bingo on Saturday night he made a comment about the Death Penalty which showed he was in favour of it.
Big mistake!
Of course a rant followed after which we drove in silence.
I argued that whilst the law produced so many cases where people were wrongly convicted, the death penalty was morally wrong. I must state here however that I do not believe in the death penalty under any circumstance and believe Life To Mean Life is a better punishment.
Last night I watched an episode of Cold Case, and whilst I appreciate that it was only a story I also appreciate that miscarriages of justice do happen like this. A man was accused and found guilty of murder and executed for a murder he did not commit. The Cold Case team proceeded to prove his innocence after his death. The show ended with the playing of the song Hallelujah and I cried, I very rarely cry over films apart from Steel Magnolias and Truly,Madly Deeply but this did effect me profoundly. I cried for the girl that was raped and killed, the girl's father, the daughter of the rapist that had also been abused and of course the man who had died unnecessarily.
It made me think about the Madeline McCann and all the people being affected, I hate the speculation in the media and just want the situation to be resolved and Madeline to be found . I feel that the speculation is tearing so many people apart and it is just a terrible situation for all those involved.

1 comment:

Steve said...

I agree. It is never morally correct to take someone's life. Ever. I was appalled at Saddam's execution as much as I was appalled at his own murderous crimes. The death penalty solves nothing - it is not even an effective deterrent. It is purely about revenge - and that is never right.




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.