Monday, September 24, 2007


Kate Middleton
It seems I am a never ending source of amusement to my children!
Mostly for the things that I do not know.
On Saturday when I took Ariel to Exeter university I was introduced to the world of the current day manifestation of the Sloane but my appreciation of what this means seems to have progressed no further than the early 80's when Lady Diana Spencer was a Sloane. I remember Grace from Big Brother describing herself as a Sloane so my using the word Sloane is not a derogatory term but what they call themselves.They are the children of well off families who have gone to public schools and can usually be defined by the way that they dress and speak. The girls all seemed to be wearing pashminas, mini skirts,uggs and somehow seemed to generally look very similar,Fiona and Ariel did not look out of place.
The girls all seemed very nice, they reminded me of some of Ariel's and Belle's friends from school.

Today Fiona started at college and she had lectures in Maths,English and Geography and she was able to sort out her bus ticket and ID. Brilliant.
Fiona seemed to ejoy herself and on the way home she even managed to go shopping in town and buy herself some gloves and 2 pashminas.
If I hadn't been there when Fiona was born I would be convinced that the fairies swapped her.I took her to town yesterday to buy a winter coat but after 2 hours we were unsuccessful but if I had taken any of her sisters to town and they knew that I was prepared to buy them a coat, then by hook or by crook they would have found a coat.However we did find a coat that she liked but not in the right colour, it was a classic Zara mac and she wanted a black one. The next nearest Zara is in Birmingham so that is a no go, so Anastasia has promised to buy one in Vienna and post it. Problem solved.

Today my art class was cancelled because the teacher is ill, I was so disappointed. If it had been last Monday I would have been more than disappointed because it took me over an hour to get there withe the accident on the M4. The traffic was fine today and it only took me 15 minutes to get to Cross Keys.

Beauty and Wormtail(SnoWhite named it!) the rat are dancing to High School Musical clips on the computer!Scary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sloane? - gee I feel really old!
Glad to hear Ariel is settling in well.




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.