Monday, November 05, 2007


Tonight is Bonfire Night.....OFFICIALLY!
But the fireworks have been going off every night across Cardiff since Halloween and I am sure they will continue for another week to come.
As well as the fireworks we have to contend with the bonfires, the local children have been building and lighting bonfires for the last week and I am sure they will be building them for another week until their pyrotechnic desires are satiated for another year. I think this year has been more difficult than usual because the 5th November falls on a Monday, which means that many official firework displays have been on Saturday and Sunday but there will still be some official displays tonight and of course locals setting off their own fireworks and building their own bonfires.
The air quality was awful last night and I suppose we can expect more of the same tonight.
Tonight we will be taking Beauty for a walk down Cardiff Bay as we will have a brilliant view of all the fireworks being set off all over Cardiff. I think that fireworks are very unsafe and there was even an accident at a display over the weekend so we will not be attending any displays but watching from a very safe distance.

That will teach me never to take a nap!
After picking Fiona up from college I decided to make Beauty lie down and take a nap and Fiona went with her and I fell asleep on the sofa. I awoke in the pitch black to what I thought sounded like bombs falling!
It was half past five and the fireworks had started.
I shot of the sofa and all I could think of was THE PIGS and BUNNY BOY, they were still outside and the piggies were running around their hutch going crazy!
Thankfully they are now in and all is well, all I have to deal with now is marauding children trying to burn the contents of my garden!
Such is the joy of childhood.


Steve said...

I know I'm being miserable but I've come to loathe and detest firworks and would quite happily see them banned but for professional displays. Trusting teenagers with gunpowder seems madness and as you refer to the effect on the air quality is frighteningly noticeable and the effect on pets is inexcusable.

Anonymous said...

My kids both totally freak out at the sound of fireworks - in fact you struggle to hear the noise of the fireworks over the top of their screaming!!! There seem to be alot of fireworks going on around you - is there an occasion or festival for which the fireworks are being displayed?


We live in Cardiff in the UK and yesterday was Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes Night so what seemed like the world and his wife, were out lighting bonfires and randomly setting off fireworks.
Beauty watched the bonfire on the green near our house for about 5 minutes but then she got bored so we took her for fish and chips which she much preferred to the fireworks.




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.