Friday, May 11, 2007


Well we are back from Zakynthos and we all had a wonderful time................apart from the mosquitoes and the earthquake it was enjoyable but quiet! Fiona could not believe that I had taken her to a country where there were so many mosquitoes and where the pipe system was half the size of the one at home which meant butt paper did not go down the toilet AFTER use but in a bin at the side of the toilet. Both however became irrelevant when the earthquake hit!
The earthquake hit at 4:35am on the morning of Fiona's birthday, whilst it only lasted 5 to 10 seconds and I would say it was barely a 5, it turned Fiona into a 16 year old who moved very quickly. She ran from her bedroom to mine in a nano second! The day before she was a 15 year old who didn't like to exert to much energy but over night turned into a 16 year old who knew the importance of speed. I didn't hear of any damage on the island and almost all the buildings are only 1 or 2 stories and new builds all meet the regulations for buildings in quake areas. It seems that earthquakes on the island are an everyday experience and to be ignored...........well I'm not Greek and it scared me!
We could see the flight path of the aeroplanes from our room which thrilled Beauty and she got very excited when they took off. One day she heard an aeroplane taking off and she ran to the balcony shouting,'I think it's an aeroplane', I was thrilled at the improvement in her language skills. Beauty loved the holiday, usually we go to The Canaries in January or February so swimming is limited but here Beauty loved swimming in the sea and the swimming pool and she really tried hard to swim properly. She has caught the sun and she has also developed lots of freckles, with her hair she now looks very much like Pippi Longstocking.


Steve said...

Glad to hear you had such a great holiday that the earth moved for you!

Anastasia said...

I am SO glad you are back M.O.M., I really missed your blog!
And of course, I LOVE the presents you bring back from holiday - maybe you should go more often!
I cannot wait to be home in a few weeks and see you all!


I am so glad to be home (even with all the rain).......mostly for my neck pillow!




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.