Saturday, September 26, 2009


Hey Girls recognise yourselves in this picture?

A quick question.
Can anyone reading this blog tell me why my viewing stats have gone up by approximately 1,000 overnight?
Did I upset somebody?
It would be nice to know!

Beauty went to bed at her usual time last night and I am happy to say that she slept peacefully all night and awoke with a smile.
However,when she came into the kitchen we have a brief moment where she looked out of the window and said,'Where's he gone?'.
But then she went to the fridge and got herself a drink and then went to watch Cinderella on the video......AGAIN!
So I think we maybe OK.

(I can hear her clapping and shouting BRAVO so she sounds happy enough)

A sure sign that Beauty is OK........she has trashed the living room!

My girls have told me that I would be OCD and my house immaculate if I didn't have children in the house.That is so true.

The problem though with having 6 girls is that they will go on to have 6 lots of children so the children in the house seems to be a never ending prospect!

All I have to do is deal with the mess now!

At present, I am scouring the internet to find Autumn craft ideas for Beauty and I to do together.Which really means that unles the activity includes copious amounts of paint and getting dirty then Beauty is happy to hold onto and guide my hands whilst I do the activity!Or just stand next to me totally enthralled and hand flapping!

Niamh happily hand flapping at the ducks by the lake in Santee, San Diego.

Now this is definitely number one on my list of something we can do.
Found at
I think they are stunning and look quite easy to make.I also managed to find lots of activities at now some of the activities here are stunning and also easy-ish!
One of Martha Stewarts HOW-TOs is Pumpkin Candy Faces
we will definely be trying this one.

I will definitely be posting the pictures of the things we make this autumn.


Steve said...

The pumpkin candy faces look amazing!


I will probably eat all the sweets before I manage to decorate the pumpkins!




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.