Thursday, February 14, 2008


I think in the life of every Blogger comes a natural sabbatical.....and the last 2 weeks was mine!How it happened I am not too sure, it was really a combination of things.
One of our computers is down and so access is a major problem coupled with the fact that Fiona and Beauty are on half-term holiday from school, getting a look in on the computer is a difficult thing.Beauty and Fiona fight over the computer in the day and invariably in the night it is Sno-White and Fiona!
The only answer is to get up early!

Life trudges on with little change.Anastasia was home for a holiday last week but has gone back to Austria,it was nice to have adult conversation in the house.Anastasia had an enjoyable time!She bought plenty of clothes and books to take back with her, definitely my kind of holiday!
Ariel was also home for a short break and whilst she adds to the adult conversation, it is usually LOUD adult conversation!
I have also just had a birthday and my children bought me many beautiful presents.I especially wanted a jet-wash(yes I know it is a strange present!) to use to clean my car and clean out the fluff-chamber on my condenser dryer!And yes the jet-wash duly arrived and is beautiful.

On Tuesday I went to the hospital for some results on a scan I had done on some large lumps in my throat, thankfully they are all benign which is good news because my mother died of cancer which started with lumps in her throat.It wasn't all good news though!
On arrival I had to get a lift from the ground floor to the first floor where the clinics were situated because I had Beauty with me in her wheelchair /buggy. Anyway, when I got in the lift 2 girls got in with toddlers in buggies plus a man in his 60's who was tall,well built and using a walking stick.The man looked at the 2 girls who were both wearing full length black Islamic dress and said I DON'T SUPPOSE YOU SPEAK ENGLISH!I was so shocked because his manner was so aggressive and he was really quite scary.The girl stood next to me also had her face covered apart from her eyes and she quickly replied to the question NO!
I looked at the other girl who was stood opposite me and smiled and rolled my eyes and smiled and she did the same and we exchanged pleasantries regarding our children and when the lift doors opened we all disappeared into the crowd.But the gravity of the situation stayed with me.
I could tell from the accents of the girls that they had probably grown up in Cardiff and their English was as good as any other person who lived in Cardiff.Yet here they were having to put up with an aggressive man questioning them.
I have a friend who is a nun in a convent in London and her order also has a house in Cardiff.The last time that I spoke to her she told me that the majority of new nuns joining her order were coming from the Far East.It made me wonder if 2 nuns from the Far East had entered the lift would the man have questioned them in the same way?
I felt the girls dealt with the situation in the right way because if they had become aggressive back then the man could have become violent, with a stick , in a small space.
Why do people behave in such a way?
It just isn't necessary.


Steve said...

Glad to see you back and to hear that your medical news was good!

Other people's bigotry never fails to amaze me. We have a lovely hindu lady who works at the Art Gallery and recently I overheard some heating contractors who were on sight referring to "her lot" as terrorists. I was astounded and furious. Xenophobia is a truly ugly thing and is always built on the perpetrator's own ignorance and short comings. Needless to say these particular contractors will not be welcome back on site again.

Casdok said...

I really dont know why people behave like that.
Godd to hear your lumps are ok :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
So glad to hear the results all came back okay, and so sorry to hear about your incident in the lift... not pleasant at all.

Marla said...

Oh my gosh. I am so glad you are okay. I wondered when you had not posted for a while. Hang in there!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear your lumps were ok. And kudos to you for your kindness.




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.