I think that better management of medication is the answer.
Yesterday was quite a poorly day for me as far as my FMS was concerned but I think the answer might be to take medication as early as possible in the morning as getting started for me can be very slow work.During the day,once the medications have kicked in,I can extend the time between doses to longer and longer so I think the answer is to take medication and a drink to bed with me and to take the first dose as early as possible.
Yesterday my biggest pain was in my shins!
Now how ridiculous does that sound?
What is even funnier is my elbows were also hurting.........what more can I say?
Even with all the pains I kept going and managed to fit in a lot.
Most importantly I took Beauty to the park with my friend.
I think Beauty was impressed with having somebody other than the usual weakling take her because she managed to get LOTS of REALLY BIG SWINGS.Thank you so much.
We went to the park on Windsor Esplanade down the Bay.
Why I do it to myself I do not know.
Yesterday I agreed to go to church with Fiona because she had a new beginnings evening and mothers were invited.I was the only mother to show but 2 were not able to come as they were ill.
Beauty was well behaved and managed half of the meeting but we wandered for the rest of the time.I am afraid it was all too good(! !!!!!!!!! !) and clean (! !!!!!!!!!!! !) for me.
I am certainly not on enough medication to cope with church on a long term basis!
I came away feeling the need for a shower and the need to bang my head against a hard surface.
Note to myself........leave it as long as possible before the next visit.
1 comment:
Do hope your medication starts to work for you soon! Can't be any fun being in pain for the majority of the day!
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