Monday, October 29, 2012


Greetings from Wales .
I really hope it is warmer where all my readers are :)
My shower room is south facing and is always very warm and I dry clothes on drying racks in there
BUT this morning  I found that even with sunshine and the heating on it felt like we were showering in the great outdoors!
No wonder our ancestors who did not have central heating did not wash and bath as much as we do today. It would definitely have  made them vulnerable to catching a chill or even worse.

It is the first day of half term and already I have succeeded in upsetting Missy!
When I was showering and dressing her this morning She asked if she was going to school and I said
'No, it was a holiday'
The word holiday to Missy means a flight on a plane and a week in one of The Canary Islands.
She instantly ran to get her suitcase and was not a happy girly when she realised it was not going to happen for quite a while.

I have a problem is Halloween on Wednesday and I still do not now what to do about costumes.
Missy REALLY wants to be a Ghostbuster

or possibly a  pumpkin!!!!!

And I want to go as Sarah Sanderson from Hocus Pocus.

Going as Sarah Sanderson and her pumpkin would be good but I certainly do not want to be a Ghostbuster and going as something from the same theme would be a good idea.

 Any suggestions ?

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An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.