Thursday, July 28, 2011

School's Out For Summer :)

Day 4 Week 1 and already I know Beauty is bored and last night she had a meltdown when the technology in the house would not was a video player thing !
Her computer is playing up and every time she uses her laptop and watches a video it freezes plus she now has an actual video stuck in her TV/Video combi :(
Yesterday Beauty came to me and said OFF which means she wants me to turn the parental control off on her computer so she can watch YOUTUBE, my answer was NOT A CHANCE to which she replied ANGRY and made a grrrrr! noise and turned around and went back to her computer making Baby Bear growling noises!
OK , communication skills improving :)
Plus the weather is so sticky and humid that this all combined is making for one stressed out 10 year 
old !
Let me add to that, it is also making for one stressed out Momma lady :|
' I will survive'.....Thank you Gloria Gaynor , that is my anthem for the week, well the next 6 weeks .
Top of my To-Do-List today is to clean the back garden up, which basically means get rid of everything that can be dumped or re-cycled. I am hoping that Beauty will enjoy helping as she likes being in the back garden despite the mess.Yesterday she was out there counting gravel! She also spent a lot of time seeing how many  pebbles would fit into my gardening gloves.......not enough it seems as she got in her words ANGRY when she could get no more pebbles in !
I am so glad she didn't try and see if the rabbit or the guinea pig would fit in the gloves.
Thankfully the rabbit is a VERY FAST runner and can escape her and the guinea pig scratches and bites so I think they are safe for the time being. 
Beauty has become closer to the animals now that the boys live in the garden and she even enjoys cleaning  them out at the weekend( the job is yours kid !).

The rabbit is now 'free range' and it is quite sweet to see them together in the garden, they don't play together but they don't seem to be afraid of each other anymore which is nice :)

However, Buzzy Bee Bunny has been wandering a bit too far of late and has been upsetting 'Mr McGregor 'who lives next-door and grows vegetables , Buzzy Bee is obviously very interested in what is on the menu !
So yesterday I got some chicken wire and wired up the bottom of the gate so now Buzzy Bee can longer escape. Buzzy is not a happy bunny , ah well, life's a beach .
Also on my list of To-Dos today is to make a plan of action for Beauty for the holidays., what to do and where to go .I don't think I want to cope with another meltdown from her.

One meltdown in the family is enough but with me the meltdown is a physical thing, it is an age thing!!!!!
I have spent a fortune on Black Cohosh and special vitamins and supplements and as of yet there are  no  visible results.
They had better start kicking in soon before I melt into a puddle like The Wicked Witch of the West though I am sure Beauty thinks I am already The  Wicked Witch of the South with my lack of sympathy to all things technical!
Oh well, time to get up, wash dress and breakfast Baby Bear :)


Thursday, July 07, 2011


I have 6 girls and of the older 5, 3 have done language based degrees.
The eldest Anastasia did Russian and French, Belle did English and American Studies and Ariel did Arabic.The other 2 have done or are doing art based courses,Snowhite did Textiles and Fiona is doing Fashion.
And the youngest Beauty, if she ever develops to the stage of doing a degree it will DEFINITELY be something to do with computers and Disney :)
And if you were to ask me for advice as what degree is best for your child to do,I would have to say as far as the parent is concerned..........Language based subjects ALL THE WAY !
It took 1 car load to move Anastasia,Belle and Ariel from their university halls of residence whilst Snowhite and FIona, my art based students ,the amount of stuff they own seems never ending!(Though I have to say that Snowhite has downsized hugely).
I just helped Fiona move from halls of residence to a student house and it took me 4 car loads!
One of Fiona's sisters was heard to comment, 'Next time Fiona moves,she is renting a van AND I'll pay for it'.
So my advice is,if your child has leanings towards being the next Picasso, make sure you teach them to drive as early as possible so when they go to university they can move themselves!

Oh and don't forget, when they finish the university year and they have moved ALL their stuff, you will still be requested to help with the piles of washing they  have accumulated through the year NO MATTER WHAT SUBJECT THEY STUDIED :)




An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.