'Now the Kazakhstan government has struck upon a crazy new plan: they want to invite Borates creator Sacha Baron Cohen to Kazakhstan to( load up on ideas to the sequel !)see what a forward-thinking nation it is.' Stuart Heritage HECKLER SPRAY
Don't do it Borat-you will return home in a vat of fermented urine and they will say they mistook you for something to be pickled. The world needs you.Send them a gift of 5 camels and profess your loyalty to Kazakhstan-do it now!
Long live Kazakhstan !
Long live Kazakhstan !
Long live kazakhstan !
The rise in tax is to prevent young people buying alcohol and binge drinking.
Get a grip on reality people - when the prices increase they just buy the cheaper supermarket alcohol and if they want the good stuff then they get the money the same way as people who who want drugs get the money. I don't need to spell it out. It is about education and a change of lifestyle not the Nanny State making you pay more to dissuade you from buying it, like that has worked with cigarettes. People smoke and drink for a reason and the reason is what has to be dealt with.
Early release for minor crimes and compulsory education and work experience and volunteer work on release and a change in the benefits system in line with much of the world which only allows benefit for a limited time. This to encourage a strong work ethic, self-esteem and self-sufficiency.
Well I haven't done this for a while, I now have 1 st 13lbs to lose and I think that I should go for the final push coming up to Christmas. That will mean that at Christmas I can still eat and enjoy myself, though last Christmas I had a huge plate of different vegetables for lunch with a little bit of Chicken and it was fantastic.This year I shall have some kind of vegetarian dish instead.
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