Is this brilliant or what? I love it-it is a painting by Angel Turner Dyke from New Orleans. I love the colour in her work and I especially like the abstract way the street flows, it reminds me of the tarmac in Hocus Pocus when the boy told the witches they couldn't walk on it because it was a black river(don't quote me!). I also love the moon and the sky, I love navy skies with white slashes in them, you almost feel as if you could open the tear in the sky and slip through it.
So...... on to more mundane things! I am so tired of the strife in the world, I feel that I m getting battle weary so for a much needed relief today I read Pink Is The New Blog before the news headlines, I love that boy and he can be my mate any time. He so makes me laugh.
Oh yes, note on the John Denver YouTube, if my memory serves me right it was FOUR
days ago that I sent that and it has only now showed up!HELLOOOOO! Perhaps they were checking if I was a possible flight risk............get it?

My breakfast!
I got back from dropping Beauty of at school and I thought I just can't be bothered to do any housework and I thought I will sit down at the computer straight away. Couldn't do it.....I am so
sad.So I sorted the rubbish and recycling, emptied the tumbledryer, folded the clothes, emptied the washing machine and re-filled the tumbledryer and turned it on , collected all the dirty clothes and filled the washing machine and put it on, collected all the dirty dishes from around the house and turned on the dishwasher and put some pans to soak that hadn't cleaned vey well in the dishwasher and all in under 15 minutes! The house is still a mess but now I can sit down for half an hour and not feel too guilty. And then I ate my breakfast, yesterday Beauty made cakes in school and Beauty will not eat them and the family are not too keen so I had them this morning. They were lovely. the teachers insist the children NEVER touch what they make so that's ok with me.

What do you think of this photograph of Ariel?
SnoWhite took it and she dismissed it as not very good as there was too much light but I think it is absolutely amazing. I think I might get it enlarged and put on the wall.
I have a new addition to my 'favourites' wardrobe- these are clothes that can be washed and dried and not need ironing. I washed and dried the blouse that I had worn at the wedding and this morning I took it out of the ironing basket and it was perfect, didn't need ironing at all. Sorted-anything for an easy life.
On to more serious things. The story about Natascha Kampusch the austrian girl who was kidnapped gets more and more strange. It now seems that at the time of the 'kidnap' Natascha and her mother had a terrible relationship and her mother was an alcoholic who was only interested in making friends who were wealthy. It also seems that Natascha's mother also frequented the same bar as Natascha's abductor and she might have been complicite in the 'abduction'. Neighbours of Wolfgang Priklopil have said how they saw Natascha a number of times and when they saw her she waved and smiled and it seems they went on a skiing holiday earlier this year, something Natascha at first denied.
'Curiouser and curiouser', no matter what happened this is one confused, disturbed and unhappy young lady. This is a sad world.

My very own GROUNDHOG DAY- remember the scene in Groundhog Day when Phil Connors the weatherman sits at the bar drinking with his drinking buddies? Remember how Phil talks about being in the same place every day doing the same thing over and over again? And his buddies agree that they understand because that is their life too! Well that is me too.I may have just been on a trip half way around the world but it is back to the hour it takes to clean my filthy living room. I once wrote about my living room floor having enough cake and biscuit crumbs on it every day

well it's still the same. Today it took me an hour to clean the living room.
I think I am going to run away and join the circus!
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