I personally think that the situation has got out of hand and the school has not dealt with the situation professionally. Instead of asking the teachers aide to remove her veil they should have first tried to deal with the situation as it was, the class teacher should have had a private conversation with the teachers aide and explained the problem. Then they should have discussed ways to deal with the situation and then they should have discussed how the teachers aide could speak louder and more clearly-I am sure that the teachers aide would not have had a problem with that. When I was teaching English as a Foreign Language I never had a problem understanding women who were wearing a veil, obviously I didn't teach all the women in the world who wear a veil but of those that I did there was not a problem. I have more problems understanding Fiona who barely moves her lips when she talks and she doesn't wear a veil. It is definitely poor management skills on the part of the school if they think the only answer is for the teachers aide to re

Runningman ran the Cardiff half marathon today and raised just over£700 for Beauty's school, I am sure that they will be pleased.
I am impressed with anyone who can run that kind of distance-especially for charity.
Today I have felt 'proper poorly', headache, leth

The floor is now safer to walk across but when the DVD momentarily gets stuck Beauty shouts very loudly at the DVD player which is not that wonderful when you have a headache,
Due to my feeling 'proper poorly' I have been lying on the sette, either sleep

It is very good, it is set on an imaginary island off Cornwall in the Bristol Channel, however it reminds me so much of Lundy and I have always wanted to stay in one of the houses there.
The story is about an alleged suicide which turns out to be a murder and is being investigated by Adam Dalglish from Scotland Yard. He is investigating because some high powered politicians had planned to stay on the island in a few months and this alleged suicide questions the safety of the island. One of the suspects at the moment is a German doctor(predictable!) whose father disappeared close by in the second world war, or a long term resident in her 80's(yeah whatever!) or the victims daughter because her father did not approve of who she wanted to marry(possible), anyway, we shall see. I love the work of P D James, I think she is a brilliant writer.
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