BUT she is in and is going to do ART, PHOTOGRAPHY and ENGLISH LITERATURE A levels.
Thank goodness that is over for 2 years, however the stress will begin again when she applies to University!
And it doesn't end there.....we are still waiting on news of Ariel and her course in Syria.
I think the stress of it all has got to me because I am in agony at the moment, I will have to go back to the doctor for a re-assessment.
I am very grateful that Fiona is settled because I can get back to sorting out the house, very slowly of course.

I haven't been able to sleep due to pain so I have been on Youtube playing all my favourite videos and I am sorry but here it is again Dean and Sam and Indiana wants me.Perfect combination.
I love the music of R Dean Taylor,my first album was an R Dean Taylor
Sorry to hear you're in so much pain. Hope a visit to the doc proves to be fruitful.
I am convinced that the return to school of Beauty and to college of Fiona will leave me feeling 1000 times better!
With the awful weather it has been a really loooooong summer.
Or a really long winter...?!
I agree Steve,did we really have a summer at all!
And it's official,of mainland UK we were the wettest here in Wales.
Aren't you glad you didn't come here camping this summer(oops winter)?
Much of Wales has had the wettest August since 1992, and sunshine levels are among the lowest on record
Wales has been wetter than both England and Scotland, and outstripped by only Northern Ireland, which has had over double its average rainfall.
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