Thursday, April 05, 2007
Good news on the bug front, Beauty's infection is a staph infection BUT one that should respond well to the Erythromycin that she has been prescribed. The issue that we have is keeping Runningman's Clostridium difficile away from Beauty, Runningman's 'let's trying and keep our bug's to ourselves' technique is not very good. When I showed the Doctor the wound today it actually looked less mucky, drier and less mucky which is definitely a good sign.
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An Irish Blessing
(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
Glad Beauty is ok.
And I admit to popping in once or twice a day extra to see if you've left a comment to my comment... they all add up and I'm probably not the only one.
I am shocked at the lack of hygiene. In schools, Dr's offices, the news... you hear all the time "wash your hands". Infections in hospitals are front page news.
Especially when it's professionals...
Glad she's getting better and her meds will take care of the infection easily.
Thanks for the good wishes.
I have a blog tracker and your blog shows up by name but there are all these other people who seem to pop in on a regular basis.Others just come up by number, my one daughter's visits shows up as coming from Sweden and she lives in Austria!
Proving who actually gave you infections makes it difficult to deal with the situation. I contracted MRSA when I had Beauty but it could have been passed on by any Nurse, any Doctor,any care worker, a visitor, anyone in fact.
I am definitely going to put some hand washing techniques posters by my sinks to remind everyone(including me).Reading my blog anyone would think I had OCD but I am just too lazy to be OCD.
And my hands couldn't take it.
I'm glad Beauty's hand is doing better. Clostridium difficile can be a really difficult thing to deal with; my nephew had it when he was two and it took months and months for it to finally go away. I hope you are able to keep the bugs away from each other and both heal up nicely. :)
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