I really want to winter in the Canaries. I awoke this morning to blocked sinus' and a cold house which seems to be taking forever to warm up.Beauty is in the warmest room in the house, the middle room downstairs, and she is as warm as toast playing on the computer. I have only one request of CBEEBIES, please update your games..............I am tired of hearing Christmas songs! What about Valentines games or winter in the sun games, we played on CBEEBIES in the Canaries and there was no snow there!Yes I feel I have entered that 'nothing time' after Christmas and before spring that C S Lewis talked about in SHADOWLANDS.
The snow is thawing rapidly, thankfully, as we are now at that dirty slushy stage. Beauty had absolutely no interest in the snow, Fiona dressed her all up and took her out to play in the street but all she wanted was to get in the car and go for a ride. Fiona and SnoWhite were more thrilled with the snow than Beauty(remember they are the 21 year old and the 15 year old!). So no snow angels for Beauty.
And why the Won Ton soup?
Well last night SnoWhite was making herself a 'just add hot water' meal for herself so I asked her to make one for me! This type of meal in our house is the exclusive domain of the 'princesses' but I was hungry and so I asked SnoWhite to make one for me(I also very rarely ask any one to make me food or drink either) so when the Won Ton soup arrived I was surprised at how good it was. A vast improvement on the Vesta curry 'just add hot water' from when I was a child! In the 60's a Vesta Curry was seen as a wonderful invention, a bit on a par with the introduction of own brands. I still remember when you could only buy 2 or 3 brands of crisps or pop ! Oh what advances we made in the 60's!
By the Torchwood back entrance!
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