A-They were not to wake me up by asking me stupid questions ie Can they cook something at stupid o'clock.
B-They were not to listen to music and wake me up
C-They were not to make ANY noise and wake me up
The warnings worked. Beauty slept in until gone 8am! And me with her. I agree with the theory that autism cannot be 'cured' but it sure as heck can be taught.
Having a sense of humor definitely helps when you are not well. I have been unwell now for about 3 weeks, it started when I caught a cold on holiday in Feurteventura. Beauty bounced back after about a week of being unwell but I think that I caught different bugs from different people rather than the first bug lasting so long. Everyone in my website design class was ill with sniffles etc and everyone in my digital scrap booking class also had coughs and colds. Also Beauty's teacher and teacher's aides have also been off with the 'winter flu' virus that seems to be hitting the local hospitals. I spent yesterday feeling dizzy and disorientated and I was worried(as a nurse I worry about all medication) that it might be to do with the decongestant medication I was taking so I did not take my last dose last night. After a very bunged up nose kind of night, with dizziness and disorientation persisting and head throbbing I am now convinced that the decongestant tablets were not the cause of my dizziness etc but were making me feel tons better! My nose and head feel like my nose is broken,
Beauty continues to wear her new hat, with the bells tinkling on the hat I keep thinking that next-doors cat must be somewhere in the house. I wonder if giving an autistic child a hat with bells was such a good idea! Beauty loves to jump and flap her arms so the noise can be constant at times, there must be a lot of angels out there getting their wings at the moment.
Mother Of Many I had completely forgotten that incident with Snow White's nose - OW!!! Not something I fancy doing again.... Glad to hear you got some sleep at least! Big kisses to Beauty! Love Anastasia xxxx
Happy to hear you've caught up on some sleep!
Minor illness is a normal part of our winter, but thankfully that has not been the case for our family this year.
I hope your nose feels better, OUCH!!
I think Samuel experiences pain differently than the rest of do as well, but he has gotten more expressive of it as he has gotten older. He took a bad fall in our house last fall and broke 2 of his permanent front teeth. (There was an indentation in some grout on our tile floor where he hit!) He is facing some future dental work there! He was very upset about it when it happened, but then was quiet in the days that followed when I'm sure it was very painful.
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