I am sure I have heard this story before, it is either a case of deja vu or urban legend.
A man finds a mouse in his house and throws it onto a fire in the garden and the burning mouse runs back into the house and the house burns down. I'm sorry I don't believe it, the owner of the property heard the story once and is using it.WHY?I don't know but anybody who has owned a hamster or gerbil or pet mouse knows how nearly impossible it is to catch the little sh*ts when they escape their cages and are running round your house.
Thank goodness that is over! Enough said..............SnoWhite will no doubt raptuously fill you in. I don't think that Britney will be crying into her hot chocolate over the loss of that little schmuck(Yes and I do understand the meaning of the word).
The end of Jessica Simpsons marriage and that of Reese Witherspoon was a trauma for SnoWhite but this she will dine-out on for months, perhaps it had something to do with that voodoo doll I brought her back from New Orleans. So don't mess with SnowWhite and her voodoo doll!

Yesterday she said to one of her teachers, 'for goodness sake stop it'.............the teachers thankfully fell about laughing, hands up that was me, thank goodness she didn't repeat anything SnoWhite or Fiona says. She will repeat most things that I say now, I am working hard on Please and Thankyou.
The other night we took Beauty to Tesco and she just loves looking at toys, well we got to the dolls and we saw a Cinderella and I said Cinderella and she repeated it and then we saw a Snow White and I said Snow White and again she repeated it and then we came to an Ariel doll and before I could say anything she said her sisters real name. Is that amazing or what? That is so clever and A

1 comment:
Isn't our Beauty the brightest little button there ever was? Thanks again M.O.M, I miss you all very much,
Belle & Beau
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