Sorry there was no blog yesterday, Beauty went back to school yesterday after half-term and my body just seemed to give up in exhaustion. I managed to get through my website class and when I got home I just lay down until it was time to pick Beauty up from school. Beauty's friend is back. He spent the summer in Nigeria I think , well I knew he was going to a special unit that was opening and I presumed he had gone but no he had gone on holiday for the summer and only just got back.
He is such a nice little boy.
The BBC weather said that yesterday was meant to be clear and sunny! Ok!
It was grey and foggy and damp all day-yes'the weatherman lied'.
Well today it just says FOG-now that's more believable. Vienna 13*c clear and sunny and Panama city beach is meant to be 21*c with some showers amongst the sun, oh well, time to be planning those foreign holidays I think!
Will they actual enforce the death penalty with Saddam?
I don't think so, society seems to find that kind of thing difficult and this is not the 'arm-chair liberal' in me talking.
Go Borat!
Borat opened in 837 cinemas compared to Santa Clause III which opened in 3,458! Hah!
So Westlife are to use the names of their fans in their latest video! So will we be seeing SnoWhites name in lights anytime soon?
They are worried that there might be cut-backs in social care due to lack of money. All I can say is PLEASE do not take my childminder away who takes Beauty out for three hours a week whilst I either clean or sleep. Beauty loves it too.
So the Jerusalem Gay march is to go ahead! Ooops, I see trouble!
We are still all on tenterhooks waiting to hear anything about my niece having her baby, I promised not to phone for news so my girls are keeping me updated via their myspace accounts. Anastasia and Belle are constantly seeking news as their cousin is the first in their generation, even in their Dad's family to have a baby. We are all really pleased and excited, this is going to be one well loved baby.
I live such a sad boring life, today I went to the bank at Rydepennau to pay in a cheque and I dropped into the ironmongers to see if they had soda crystals- not only did they have soda crystals but BORAX a

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