The little red and white card he leaves which says SORRY YOU WEREN'T IN WHEN I CALLED which means a parcel to pick up at the Post Sorting Office! I am sure that the post men(I am not being sexist, they are all men there)at the Sorting Office know me by sight now.I wouldn't be so bad if the Sorting Office was close by but it is actually quite a distance.
John Barrowman
SnoWhite has also met Ianto from Torchwood(on the left of the photograph)-she served him in Ikea, Russell T Davies stood in front of her in a queue in M&S and they spoke to each other and she passed Burn Gorman(far right of the photograph) in the street. Probably the only 2 she would like to meet now are Rhys, Gwen's husband and of course David Tennnant.
All I can say to SnoWhite is GET IN LINE GIRL!
My postman does the same. I think it is somesort of ploy!
SnoWhite met John Barrowman!! Oh wow!!!
i so WISH it had been me meeting John Barrowman!
Our postman is the same. He deliberately waits until not only our house is empty but also our neighbours too so that the parcel cannot be left with anyone and has to be taken back to the depot... sometimes if he is really nasty he will take it all the way back to Coventry, several miles away from us...
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