Yesterday evening(after watching Dr Who of course!) I took the girls to their father's house to drop off presents for father's day and whilst they were inside I took Beauty to get a McFlurry . I explained where we were going and what we were going to buy and she was so excited, bouncing and flapping and smiling and laughing that I am totally convinced that she knew where we were going.
It was Runningman's birthday on Saturday, he was 60 and we bought him a Jig Saw, a Sonic Screw Driver(well a battery operated one-if only sonic screw drivers really existed) and a trowel set for the garden. Remember he has retired once already( from the health authority) and now is working AGAIN(he loves work!) he intends to retire at 65 from the bank though I am sure he will work until 70 if the bank will let him!
Cleaning in the kitchen last night I realised that everything tells a story, even my dishes! Believe it or not.
My reflecting started when I was drying and putting away this plastic plate after Beauty had used it and I realised that it is the one that Anastasia mentioned a little while ago, the girls ate all their meals off plastic plates when they were younger because I had only one set of dishes and I couldn't afford to replace them if they got broken. I remember her saying how she remembered eating off plastic plates at 15!
This is a bowl from that BEST SET.
This is a mixing bowl that the girls bought me as a present. They bought it because I said that it reminded me of the bowls that we used in cooking lessons in the grammar school in the early 70's.
This mixing bowl I bought in the 80's, everything in my kitchen at the time was red(what was I thinking?), it is still used daily!
This Portmeirion pot I bought when I was first married to husband number 2, he has been dead almost 10 years.
A selection of mugs in my china cupboard, most came with Easter eggs inside.At Easter I used to buy the girls eggs and something they could keep, over the years I have bought T shirts, jewellery, soft toys and mugs
A dish from marriage number 3.
Latest acquisition, a brilliant bowl for cooking as you have a handle to hold onto whilst you are cooking.Bought in Dunhelms , my most favourite shop at the moment.
Beauty's Blue Cow plate.She loves Blue Cow.
Beauty's Tweenies plate. Beauty loves Jake
And of course an IKEA children's plate, we buy lots of thing in IKEA- the discount helps!
I know what you are all thinking, first the basket collection, now the dishes..........what next?
Did I ever tell you about the duvet cover collection? My airing cupboard is full of them, from Man United to Tweenies, from Dolphins to Noah's ark we have it, they mostly came as birthday or Christmas presents. I am looking forward to grand children so I can pass them on..........perhaps one day I shall make you all suffer seeing those. We shall see.
1 comment:
I think it's fun to check out other people's dishes when I go to their house. Thanks for sharing yours! Don't feel bad about the plastic. That's what my kids eat from as well. I finally found some that are divided so that's what we use now. This is bad, before that I used disposable plastic divided plates and discovered that they survive the dishwasher for months. So.. I re-used them til the repeated heating in the dishwasher finally wore them out!
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