I used to love working nights as a nurse, especially with the light mornings.
Today is the day I get the chance to air my views on Special Needs Issues. The election is tomorrow and today Radio Wales are doing a last minute question and answer show-are there any issues that we do not feel that the politicians have answered?
My question will be-
On Sunday at the debate in the Senedd ,

It may be an individual case but it is not isolated but across the board, I have not met another parent who is happy with the funding or provision that they have received for their child in the last 6 years.
What is also a problem is the fact that parents have to beg and grovel for everything they get, the system does not respect the family.
What will politicians do about the situation.
Tomorrow is election day and I will be on holiday and I have sent off my postal vote. It would have looked a bit silly me being on the Wales 60 Group and not voting, especially when my TV interview was all about my Dad's views on the need for every body to vote!
This election has definitely re-awoken my interest in politics and the need for the individual to get involved. One of my neighbours has a Plaid Cymru placard in his garden and I think it is wonderful, I have never seen placards before-residents don't like drawing attention to their property for fear of vandalism but nothing seems to have happened.
All day yesterday SnoWhite has been doing her essay for University on my laptop but she is not happy using the keyboard on the laptop so whilst Beauty was having her bath, Snowhite took Beauty's keyboard from her computer to use. When Beauty came down from her bath she noticed that the keyboard was gone and came to me, put her hand on my shoulder and said, KEYBOARD. I was so impressed, Beauty has never used the word keyboard before but she said it with what appeared to be understanding of the situation. Beauty totally understands what is going on around her even though she may appear to be in her own little world. We can no longer say ICE CREAM as she understands and wants one when ever she hears the words so we say HUFEN IA which is Welsh for ice cream but that will not last long because Beauty is now exploring Welsh language websites and can count to 10 in Welsh and say a number of words and sing some Welsh songs. If Beauty were not autistic I would still be impressed with her ability to learn Welsh.
When Beauty understands Hufen Ia we can always go on to using the Spanish HELADOS but thanks to Dora the Explorer that probably will not last long. Even the sign language for Beauty is a little obvious!
Do you all speak Welsh? How cool is THAT!
I've been using a Welsh on line translator for my "story."
When I tried to retranslate it, it was all crazy. Oh, well, the only ones that would know would be people who speak it and if I ever get to that point, I'll have someone look it over properly.
So proud of Beauty!
Hello there, you've not updated for a while, hope all is ok. Best wishes, Syeve and family.
Doh! Just re-read your current post... you've been on holiday! Hope you had a good time!
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