My itchy feet are making my fingers surf the web for holidays in warmer places.The weather is so constantly wet and windy and miserable here that it just has to be done, thankfully I have a holiday booked for the end of January in my favourite place, Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Spain. The weather there is warm, even in winter and it is quite a quiet area. Just the place for Beauty to play on the sand

have been away before Christmas before but it doesn't feel right,
there are so many things for Beauty to see and do coming up to
Christmas that to take her away would be wrong. However, as
C.S.Lewis describes it in Shadowlands(remember, don't quote me)
New Year until spring comes is a 'nothing' time and it is a very difficult
time to cope with. Mainstream schools in the UK do not encourage taking children out of school during term time but I have found that Beauty's Special Needs school see it as life experience and do not object. My ultimate goal would be to winter in a warm place and to come back to the UK in late spring, that would be my idea of heaven on earth.
Has finally given up the ghost or as we say in our family,handbagged! Whilst cleaning the living room this morning I found the remains of said video. A well loved and well used video which is now on my must have list, a Beauty favourite which lasted a lot longer as a video than it ever would have

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