Beauty being Beauty she will not take her medicine to bring down her temperature. So in the day she seems better but in the evening her temperature soars again and she gets all poorly and sad and takes to her bed. At the moment she is watching Justin on Something Special and digging deep into her basket of toys and getting them ALL out. Don't get me wrong, I think Justin is the best children's presenter on tv but after an early wake-up call even his smiley voice is enough to make you want to follow in the footsteps of Elvis and annihilate the tv. Sorry Justin, we still love you and think you are brilliant as Jake in the Tweenies, Jake is our favourite Tweenie. We love Milo too, but Fizzy is too squeaky and Bella too bossy.
Yesterday was the big clean-up day, Beauty seemed better so I put Beauty's bed back in her bedroom , spring cleaned the living room and put back all the washed and dried throws back on the chairs and sofa. But later on Beauty's temperature rose again and Moaning Myrtle returned and back out came the bed. Now the living room looks like a war zone, complete with Beauty's soldiers. Sometimes I am so tired I despair of ever getting a proper sleep again. The second day of Beauty's illness I left Beauty asleep in the living room with Fiona watching her, I went to bed for a nap and took one of the house phones with me. Well I literally passed out and slept for about 2 hours( a long sleep for me), when I came downstairs Fiona told me the phone had rung and she gave me a message. I was shocked, the phone had been next to my head and I hadn't heard a thing! I find that scarey because of Beauty's desire to emulate Houdini I have to be watchful 24/7 and I mean 24/7. After Beauty's two escape attempts I am terrified something might happen if she gets out a third time.Leaving Beauty for even a second is tempting fate, the other evening she was in the kitchen with people aroud her and she got into the fridge and smashed 6 eggs onto the floor. Thankfully she hasn't learnt to take off lids yet!

To wake up in the morning to find your kitchen filled with dirty dishes, dirty cutlery, dirty glasses and rubbish and the dishwasher empty and ready for filling. Sorry Princess but even Shrek would have been unhappy with that mess.
As the saying goes,
Whilst writing my blog this morning I realised that the YouTube song I had been listening to had finished ages ago and I had been enjoying the dulled sense of reality by shutting out the world through a pair of earphones.A few minutes later Beauty insisted that I wear my sunglasses to help put her toys away. The answer to an early morning wake-up call, earphones and sunglasses, heavenly.
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