Friday, July 21, 2006


So what do you feed pigs when it is hot?
Piggy Lollies.
Don't even go there with what I hear they have been feeding tigers, just accept that the lollies were red! eeeeeewwwww.....

Final update on the Zdaine incident
Zidane banned foe 3 matches(remember he has retired so he will do voluntary work for Fifa) and fined £3,620 whilst Materazzi was banned for two games and fined £2,170. the French say that the response is 'intelligent, measured and reasonable' whilst the Italians are bitching like a bunch of girls. I'm sorry now that we ever supported them.Thankfully there is some kind of resolution.

Is it just me or is there anyone else in the mother of many house that is finding sand everywhere? The worst thing is I keep finding sand in between my teeth! Yuk...having a sand pit by the back door doen't help. Beauty plays in the sand pit daily and the sand is now everywhere. She seems to eat more and more of the sand....and how do I know? Well I am the poop checker. Yesterday I sat with Beauty whilst she played in the sand and the mama of all bees would not go away and insisted on buzzing around a plastic scorpion(very lifelike the scorpion) so I drained a handful of sand over the bee and he was off like a shot. As a child I would have been too scared to do that as I would have been afraid that the bee and his bee friends would come back and get me! And don't say they wouldn't because Beauty and I have sat and watched Winnie the Pooh many times and I've heard that bee is way scarey

Health update
The Doctor says that I must stop taking Diclofenac as he feels that that this is causing my major stomach upset. He has now prescribed me Omeprazole to help with the acid production. This should please Ariel as MY belching at times has been seriously amazing and at her Trailer Park party in August for her birthday I would have been serious competition for the belching competition. My belching at times has been seriously amazing and Ariel who is the BEST BELCHER in the famil;y could see serious competition.
Hwyl for now
Mother of Many x

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An Irish Blessing

(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon your fields,

And, until we meet again,

May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.